Sunday School

Ages: Preschool-4th grade

Sundays 9:30am-10:15am

Sunday School: We are looking forward to diving into the Bible for some amazing adventures!  We will begin each day in our large group with fun Bible Camp Songs led by our Children’s Music Director, Malynda Riehle. We will also have special visits from our amazing puppet duo Abel and Zabel. New this year, we will introduce our students to Veggie Tale movie clips to help introduce the Bible point and story of the week. After large group, we will go to our classrooms and learn more about the Bible Story and do some fun activities. 

Sunday School Highlights: 

Ages: Preschool-4th grade

Wednesdays- 6:00pm-6:30 pm

Sunday School Highlights is a new program this year.  Sunday School Highlights will review our Sunday lesson so that all of our students have an opportunity to dive into some Bible Fun each week!  Students will rotate through stations of story time, crafts and games. 


Elementary and Middle School choirs

JAM Choir (Jesus and Me) is for strong readers through Fourth Grade will meet Wednesdays from 5:30pm to 6:00pm We will sing one Sunday of every month during service! 

FLY Choir (Middle School Choir) is for 5th Grade through 8th Grade (or older if you want!) we will meet on Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 6:30pm. We will sing and lead service one Wednesday every month! 

Do you play an instrument and want to be involved with the choir, but not sing, GREAT! We would love for you to join us and play instrumental parts with our choir!! If you have ANY questions, please reach out to Malynda Riehle! You can talk to her on Sundays, or email her at


Ablaze: Pre-confirmation program

5th grade students

Wednesday nights 7:00pm-8:00pm

The program goals for Ablaze are to prep students for confirmation by reviewing key points of the Bible.  We start around the campfire for the first five weeks reviewing the Old Testament, then we move indoors with a large group/small group model. In spring, we focus on preparing students to receive their Rite of First Communion.


Affirm: Confirmation Ministry for 6-9th Graders 

Wednesday nights 7-8 pm

In Affirm, we believe that each person is a child of God, with faith given as a gift from God. In Affirm, we build relationships in small groups, where each person can show up and be their true self, ask their real questions, and grow in faith together.  Affirm operates on a four-year cycle, specifically oriented to deepening the life of faith, so that each youth can 1) develop a confidence in reading their Bible thoughtfully and well, 2) approach the world around them with spiritual curiosity, and 3) claim faith for themselves.  

Grades 6-8 have one year focusing on each: “Who is Jesus,” “Practicing Faith,” and “I am a Lutheran.” Grade 9 becomes a capstone year, emphasizing discovering each one’s self, faith and gifts for service, culminating in Affirmation Sunday, when 9th graders affirm their baptismal promises surrounded by family, friends, and our faith community. 

Each Affirm year includes small group lessons, service projects, fellowship bonfires, lenten mentors, and Family Milestones.  

St. John’s Youth Group

For all youth 9th-12th grade

8:00pm-9:00pm Wednesday nights

St. John’s youth group’s focus is to inspire youth to grow stronger in their faith. We do that by fun fellowship, bonfires and finding creative ways to listen and support and serve each other and our community. 


Parenting Littles Small Group 

Are you parenting a child(ren) ages 3-10? Parenting Littles is for you! 

Parenting Little Small Group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month during Sunday School.  While your child learns about Jesus’ love in Sunday School, tend to your own spiritual and emotional wellbeing, gathering with other parents of littles to share best practices, parenting questions, and build community.

For this second year of this small group, we’ll add a focus on strategies shared in the book, “The Sandbox Revolution: Raising Kids for a Just World.” You are welcome to purchase your own book, or borrow copies from St. John’s. 

This small group will be facilitated by Amanda Boe and Pastor Kim Kyllo.

Nursery Care: 

Children, Youth and Family ministries at St John’s strives to create a seamless line of ministry from birth through high school and to walk alongside families to raise compassionate, respectful, and service-orientated children – with hearts of faith-filled love.

Our nursery is part of that promised mission to walk alongside families. We believe that caring for children in the safe, nurturing environment of the nursery is essential in order for parents can tend to their own spiritual care by participating in church activities is part of that journey. We encourage and support parents to participate in choir, teaching, mentoring, Adult Ed Classes (ACE) Bible Studies, and worship; though children are always welcome in worship, we know there are times when nursery care may be a better option for your family.

When you bring your children to the nursery, they will be safely in the care of St. John's Nursery Paid Staff who are: high school juniors and seniors who are trained in CPR & First Aid, familiar with basic child development, and have passed a background check.

Parents need to stay in the building while your child(ren) are utilizing the nursery and provide contact information.